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Meet 18 Winners of Capcom Pro 2020

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Meet 18 Winners of Capcom Pro 2020
Pic Source: capcomprotour.com
With the champion of Capcom Cup 2019 and one fan-favorite player, these guys will participate in Street Fighter Capcom Cup 2020

2020 wasn’t the easiest year for esports, but still, the industry has adapted quite well to this challenging situation, and we can enjoy many great online tournaments. One of them is Capcom Pro Tour - the organizers changed the format of these qualifier events, so top-level matches took place throughout the year in different regions. 

Now, when CPT is over, we can take a look back to remember all the winners. At the same time, this will be a glimpse into the future - all these top SF5 players will fight at the upcoming tournament Capcom Cup 2020.

Derek "iDom" Ruffin is the 19th participant of Capcom Cup 2020 (or the first one) - he got his ticket as the champion of Capcom Cup 2019.

It’s a lot of great players, don’t you think? And Capcom Cup 2020 is going to be an exceptional event you don’t want to miss! One question remains still - who will be the 20th participant? And it’s up to the community to decide. Visit this smash.gg page to make your opinion heard. Maybe you need to see some players in action? Then check out matches of Street Fighter League Pro-US!

If you like seeing matches of skilled players, pay attention to the event Blink All Star Challenge. Watching top players from Japan in action can be super helpful for your personal Street Fighter skills.

For those who not only enjoy the most recent installment of the fighting series but also like playing classic Street Fighter II, Capcom’s Retro Station may be super interesting.

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