
Dragon Ball FighterZ Rankings

Player Rankings based on tournament performance and participationHow we rank players
RankPlayerCountryDF pointsCharacters
Last updated :Feb 24, 2025

DashFight Dragon Ball FighterZ Rankings Methodology

Debating on who the best Dragon Ball FighterZ player in the world is a common pastime for fans of fighting games. It’s a topic that fascinates fans because as human beings we are wedded to the idea of hierarchy. Well, we have some hierarchy here for you. We used to have rankings before but these were based on other resources and their vision. After some feedback from the community, it was decided that this was not the best way forward, hence, the decision to have DashFight’s very own DBFZ player rankings. 

This is the release version of DF Rankings, so while we’re going to improve our rankings over time and consider the data needed for more accurate estimation, the core concept of the Rankings will not change.


At the moment, DF Rankings are ordered by years and regions. So, we currently have calculated the relevant rankings for both 2020 and 2021. It is our hope that this is improved with time as more data is collated. Unfortunately, we can’t go much further as there are no global leaderboards for all the years since competitive fighting games gained popularity. 

What are DF points? 

These are awarded to players who place highly in tournaments all over the world. So, think of it this way: a player competes in a tournament, achieves a high placing and is awarded points based on a variety of factors. 

Currently, we take the following things into consideration:

  • The region representation of the tournament, its format and prestige
  • Placement of the player as it relates to their performance in recent history.

We are considerate of all tournaments around the world and understand that there are different levels of importance attached (for instance, there is more prestige in being an Evo winner than being an NLBC champion). This is an ongoing process that will be revised as we get more feedback. 

Right now, DashFight’s tier list for tournaments goes like this:

  • Tier 1 — Global
  • Tier 1 — Regional
  • Tier 1 — National
  • Tier 2 — Global
  • Tier 2 — Regional
  • Tier 2 — National
  • Local / Community

You can check out the following table to see how the points are getting distributed according to the mentioned above factors

1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5-6 place 7-8 place 9-16 place 16-32 place 32-64 place 64-128 place
Tier 1. Global 2000 1300 780 600 430 340 240 130 70 10
Tier 1. Regional 1500 974 583 448 320 254 179 97 52 7
Tier 1. National 1000 649 389 299 214 170 120 56 35 5
Tier 2. Global 600 390 234 180 129 102 72 39 21 3
Tier 2. Regional 500 325 195 150 107 85 60 32 17 2
Tier 2. National 400 260 156 120 86 68 48 26 14 2
Local / Community 200 130 78 60 43 34 24 13 7 1

Rest assured that we will continue to improve and evolve this system as we scour the world for the best Dragon Ball FighterZ player.

Tournaments counted in the rankings