

  • France

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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


Yasha's character usage stats

Super Saiyan Blue Vegito
Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta
Android 17
Teen Gohan
Ultra Instinct Goku
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Super Saiyan Blue Vegito56 %48
Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta52 %42
Android 1751 %41
Goku63 %8
Teen Gohan75 %4
Ultra Instinct Goku100 %2

Opponents’ character usage stats

Android 21 (Lab Coat)
SS4 Gogeta
Super Saiyan Blue Vegito
Android 21
Super Saiyan Blue Goku
Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta
Android 16
Teen Gohan
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Android 21 (Lab Coat)41 %87
SS4 Gogeta49 %75
Super Saiyan Blue Vegito68 %74
Android 2135 %60
Super Saiyan Blue Goku39 %46
Trunks50 %30
Bardock72 %25
Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta100 %21
Android 1646 %13
Teen Gohan25 %12

Yasha's matchups


The player is not on DF Rankings yet




Yonis "Yasha" A. is a fighting game player from France who is mostly known for his prowess in Dragon Ball FighterZ. He has competed in several tournaments including:

  • 2021: BCN Ranking Battles - Dragon Ball FighterZ - Fight 2 (1st), PARISIENNE FIGHTING LIGUE - Ranking # 6 Final S1 (1st), Red Bull Gaming Sphere London: Online,
  • 2020: Double K.O: The Champions (5th), Dragon Ball FighterZ National Championships - France (3rd), EUROPEAN LEGEND FINALS, Red Bull DRAGON BALL FighterZ World Tour Finals, The Unleash (3rd).
  • 2019: Ultimate Fighting Arena 2019, YUZU WINTER CHALLENGE 2K19 (2nd).
  • 2018: Ultimate Fighting Arena 2018.

Yasha is also a fan of anime franchises like Attack on Titan and Hunter x Hunter. Follow him on Twitch.