Matches statistic
Matches played
95Win rate
51%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
95Win rate
51%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Most played vs:
Best vs:
King K. RoolWins-losses:
Worst vs:
Eric Weber, known as Mr. E, is a Lucina main, American Super Smash Bros Ultimate player currently representing AITX eSports.
Considered the best Lucina player in the USA and one of the best in the world, Mr. E has competed in SSBU singles events and won 1st place at Collision Series Presents: BreakPoint Weekly 3, 3rd place at The Sephiroth Gimvitational, 4th place at Overlords of Orlando: Octoberlords, 7th place at PRYDE + HONOR #1, 9th place at The Box: El Jugo Box, 13th place at 2GG: Prime Saga & DreamHack Atlanta, 17th place at Collision Online & EVO Japan 2020, 33rd place at Pound Online, 97th place at Frostbite 2020, and 129th place at EVO 2019.
At Glitch 8 - Missingno, Mr. E battled his way to the Top 8 and ranked 7th place with an 80% set win rate, defeating top contenders such as Fatality, Light, and Mekos.
Eric is also known for his adept usage of footstooling to the extent it's become renowned as the "Mr. E classic" and often partners up with smashers like Dabuz, Marss, Ribs, Cyro, and Zenkai to play SSBU doubles matches.