Matches statistic
Matches played
83Win rate
59%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
83Win rate
59%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Most played vs:
Best vs:
Worst vs:
Peach / DaisyWins-losses:
Matches played
83Win rate
59%Current streak (Old → New)
BO5 | Dabuz | 3 :0 | ESAM | ||
BO5 | ESAM | 2 :3 | Mastronarde |
BO5 | Fatality | 3 :1 | ESAM |
ESAM is a Pikachu main, American Super Smash Bros player currently representing Panda Global, ranked as the 14th on the PGRU FALL 2019 and 1st on the Oklahoma Ultimate Power Rankings, ESAMs' Smash gameplay is top-level across the board.
Known to be able to rapidly switch between aggressive and defensive playstyle, ESAM has gained renown by competing at numerous tournaments, winning 1st place at EGLX 2019: Rising Stars, Glitch 7 & Mango's Birthday Bash, 2nd at DreamHack Montreal 2019, 3rd at DreamHack Dallas 2019, 4th at Genesis 7 & Thunder Smash 2, 5th at Combo Breaker 2019 & GOML North American Open: Finale, 9th at CEO 2019, Shine 2019 & Super Smash Con 2019,
A video from 2014 on ESAM's Twitter account where he said the N-word stirred controversy in 2020. He has since posted an apology to his followers and pledged to better himself.