Matches statistic
Matches played
202Win rate
59%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
202Win rate
59%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Most played vs:
Best vs:
Worst vs:
Mr. Game & WatchWins-losses:
Matches played
202Win rate
59%Current streak (Old → New)
BO5 | sisqui | 3 :0 | Riddles |
BO5 | Light | 1 :3 | Riddles | ||
BO5 | Sparg0 | 3 :0 | Riddles | ||
BO5 | Riddles | 3 :0 | Tilde | ||
BO5 | Kola | 2 :3 | Riddles | ||
BO5 | Quidd | 0 :3 | Riddles | ||
BO5 | Riddles | 2 :3 | Tweek |
BO5 | Riddles | 2 :3 | ApolloKage | ||
BO5 | ApolloKage | 2 :3 | Riddles |
Michael Kim "Riddles" is a Canadian Super Smash Bros. Melee, Ultimate, and Wii U player from Toronto, Ontario. Ranked 1st on the Southern Ontario Ultimate Power Rankings, 2nd on the Smash Canada Rankings Ultimate, and 47th on the Fall 2019 PGRU, he has defeated top contenders like ANTi, Dabuz, and Tweek.
Having competed in Street Fighter V and Guilty Gear Strive. Riddles mains Terry with Richter, Joker, Ken, Ryu, and Wolf as his secondaries in SSBU. He has been hailed as the best Terry and Ritcher after Brood switched characters, was also a member of team ZENMA but joined Even Matchup Gaming in February 2020.
Riddles often partners with Blacktwins13 for SSBU doubles, ranking 1st place at the Amuka Smash Cup and 2nd place at Press Less 2019, also taking 1st place at The Amuka Smash Cup, 1st place at Float, 13th place at Get On My Level 2019, 13th place Super Smash Con 2019, 17th place at Let's Make Big Moves, 33rd place at Frostbite 2020, Shine 2019, 2GG: Kongo Saga, and The Quarantine Series: Pound Online SSBU singles events.