Matches statistic
Matches played
80Win rate
48%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
80Win rate
48%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO5 | ApolloKage | 3 :1 | Scend | BestNess |
BO5 | Riddles | 2 :3 | ApolloKage | ||
BO5 | ApolloKage | 2 :3 | Riddles |
BO5 | ApolloKage | 0 :3 | Capitancito | ||
BO5 | ApolloKage | 1 :3 | Maister |
BO5 | ApolloKage | 0 :3 | Peabnut | ||
BO5 | ApolloKage | 3 :0 | omega | ||
BO5 | ApolloKage | 3 :1 | Goblin | ||
BO5 | Peabnut | 3 :2 | ApolloKage |
Dylan "ApolloKage" J. is a North American smasher with strong Snake main.
He made it to top-10 at both Kumite in Tennessee 2020 and Frosty Faustings XII 2020 in Super Smash Bros Ultimate singles.