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Frosty Faustings XV 2023 - SSBU: ApolloKage & Riddles A Storming Fight

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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SSBU at Frosty Faustings XV 2023: ApolloKage Nearly Snubs over Riddles
An incredible 14 sets all together between these two beasts
  1. Table of Content

  2. Final Top 8:

Frosty Faustings always delivers, and Frosty Faustings XV 2023 was no different, with the Super Smash Bros Ultimate bracket at the event giving us an incredibly exciting final between Riddles and ApolloKage. A true duel of playstyles that pushed both players to their limits. But obviously, there were more players ready to shine on stage; completing the top 8 were: SaltOne, Bassmage, LeoN, Ned, Ikan, and Loaf.

Final Top 8:

7-8th: Loaf & Ikan

5-6th: LeoN & Ned

4th: BassMage

3rd: SlatOne

2nd: ApolloKage

1st: Riddles

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