Looking Back at Evo 2021 Online

Elizbar Ramazashvili
5 min

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Looking Back at Evo 2021 Online
Recap of DashFight's coverage of this year's Evo iteration

This month has been so exciting! It brought us back to the unadulterated fun that is Evo. We were reminded just how hype it is to watch the best players from all over the world sort it out between themselves. Yes, this year, we had a massive caveat of the event being held online. And while there were some hiccups here and there with the schedules and the amount of DQs, we couldn’t have reasonably expected more – it’s incredibly challenging to coordinate several tournaments in different games on four continents online. The fact that this Evo 2021 Online was held at all is a massive testament to the determination of the organizers. Moreover, they even altered the prize pools so that Top 8 payments were awarded not per continent but per region. An overall A+ job by the organizers.

Let’s take a look back at everything that happened during the DashFight coverage of Evo 2021 Online!

Evo 2021 Online

Before the start of Evo 2021 Online, we published a comprehensive guide to this year’s event. It combined all you had to know about the event in a single article. Take a look at it here:


Online or not, this event was a major draw in terms of participation. Many highest-profile players decided to take part in the tournaments, and some of them ended up as winners. Let’s take a look at the champions of every game in every region:

Street Fighter V

  • NA East - iDom

  • NA West - Nephew

  • Europe East - Jamie_TTM

  • Europe West - Hurricane

  • Asia East - Kawano

  • Asia South - Xian

  • LATAM Central - KUSANAGI

  • LATAM South - HorusPaulin

Tekken 7

  • North America - Shadow 20z

  • Asia East - Gen

  • Asia South - Book

  • Europe East - LMG MoB

  • Europe West - Super Akouma

  • LATAM Central - Energie_Marduk

  • LATAM South - Sergie Mazter

Mortal Kombat 11

  • North America - Ninjakilla_212

  • Europe - Disarted

  • Latin America - Konqueror249

Guilty Gear -STRIVE-

  • North America - Hotashi

  • Europe - Leffen

  • Asia - Xyzzy

  • Latin America - Trema

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

  • North America - Cloud

  • Europe - Mr Peck

  • Asia - penpen

  • Latin America - Receita Federal


DashFight journalists swiftly reached out to many winners and prominent players of this iteration of Evo and did small interviews with them. Here they are, divided by the game for your convenience:

Street Fighter V

Tekken 7

Mortal Kombat 11

Tier Lists

Schedule, Brackets, Results, Opinions

During both Evo weekends, our journalists continuously updated the materials for the main games with all the relevant information about the Top 8 participants, brackets, and results. On top of that, they were constantly reaching out to players and included their opinions in the live format.

Best of the Best

After the whole event ended, we took our time to analyze the footage and decide on who was truly standing out above the rest. We came to the consensus and picked the best players and the best plays from Evo 2021 Online, which we present in these two final materials:

Evo 2021 Online has ended, but we don’t take any breaks. DashFight will continue to provide you the coverage of all things FGC, so follow us on our Facebook and Twitter to not miss a thing!

This material was created with the support of our Patrons. You can support us!

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