Matches statistic
Matches played
247Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
247Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Win rate
Matches played
247Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | Dtownsking | 1 :2 | Joonya_20z | ||
BO5 | Cuddle_core | 3 :0 | Joonya_20z | ||
BO3 | JoeCrush | 1 :2 | Joonya_20z |
BO5 | Azure | 2 :3 | Joonya_20z | ||
BO3 | AzeemX | 1 :2 | Joonya_20z |
BO3 | JJBREEZE | 1 :2 | Joonya_20z | ||
BO5 | Shadow 20z | 3 :0 | Joonya_20z | ||
BO5 | Joonya_20z | 3 :2 | Pleasant | ||
BO5 | Shadow 20z | 3 :0 | Joonya_20z |
Lathaniel "Joonya 20z" Jordan is a North American Tekken 7 player from Chicago who represents Disrupt Gaming. His main characters are Anna and Elisa but he also uses Katarina and Devil Jin.
Joonya 20z reached 108th in the Tekken World Tour 2019 Global Standings and 28th in the Tekken World Tour 2018 Global Standings. He competed and ranked 5th at Bud Light Beer League Tekken East 1 & Kumite in Texas 2019, 25th at Atlanta Battle Opera 2019 & Electric Cancel, 33rd at Tekken World Tour Finals, 49th at DreamHack Atlanta 2019, and 65th at EVO 2019.
At Frosty Faustings XII 2020, Joonya 20z won 1st place after defeating players like emily_:3, odellthefinest, and Shin Pusheen.
Follow him on Twitch.