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DBFZ at CEO 2023: Gotenks to the Winning Team!

3 min

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DBFZ at CEO 2023: Gotenks to the Winning Team!
Adjustments have been made to adapt to this build and win the tournament

Dragon Ball FighterZ already had offline tournaments with Patch 1.32 — at DreamHack Dallas (obviously, in the USA) and BAM 2023 (in Australia). But since then, the pro players have had some extra time to lab the balance changes. Some new characters have been selected for the teams. Some old picks shine with new power.

CEO 2023 demonstrated what this DBFZ build looks like at the top level of play. So, let’s dive into it!

DBFZ at CEO 2023 | Stream, Top 8

The Top 8 part of this tournament was full of very close matches — almost all of them brought us to the final, decisive games.

LegendaryyPred defeated Drac to proceed to the Winners Final. And Zane did the same to Garlic Bread. What tough fights those Semi-Finals were!

And the battle between LegendaryyPred and Zane could certainly go both ways. While LegendaryyPred kept his team unchanged, Zane made some significant adjustments. Zamasu was mostly out (a sad emoji here). But Gotenks has strongly joined the team — even when Zamasu returned for a game, he replaced Lab Coat and let Gotenks to show off his cool buffs.

The Winners Final was mainly back and forth. But in the end, Zane had a totally dominating decisive game and defeated LegendaryyPred 3:2.

Meanwhile, in the Losers brackets, it was great to see Lucar sticking to his favorite team despite any changes in the meta (current and previous). DragonVonDoom demonstrates what Blue Vegeta is now capable of — reaching Top 8 is quite an achievement itself.

Still, the real hero is Garlic Bread, who defeats three opponents to reach the Grand Final — including very tough matches vs Drac and LegendaryyPred. And what about that body change miracle during the match vs Lucar? (Check it out in the Top Moments sections below in this post.)

DBFZ at CEO 2023 | Stream, Grand Final

DBFZ Teams at CEO 2023

Sure, after Patch 1.32 is out, we’ve seen different characters in the Dragon Ball FighterZ teams. But the very principles of team compositions are the same — and they have been nicely explained in this video guide; feel free to check it out. 

7. Levi

7. DragonVonDoom

5. Drac

5. Ksack

4. Lucar

3. LegendaryyPred

2. Garlic Bread

1. Zane

Top Moments

Z Broly’s happy birthday to two Androids 21.

Androids 21 avenge Z Broly.

“They tried to nerf me? Fools! It was pointless, especially when the God of Destruction is on my side.”

A grappler vs a grappler!

A happy birthday by LegendaryyPred.

Zane kicks LegendaryyPred to the Lower side without losing even one character in the decisive game.

Give me that body!

2H to stop that (super annoying) spin.

Zane is the Champion!

The DBFZ community is obviously in anticipation of the new World Tour. It starts at Evo 2023. The last big tournament with the previous build of this game was Combo Breaker 2023

If you want to learn from the best, check out a video guide on how to play Beerus in DBFZthe video was made by Zane himself (exclusively for DashFight).

This material was created with the support of our Patrons. You can support us!

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