Matches statistic
Matches played
147Win rate
68%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
147Win rate
68%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
147Win rate
68%Current streak (Old → New)
Born on June 17, 1996, Shuto Moriya aka "Shuton" is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player from Fukuoka, Japan. Shuton is ranked 4th on the JAPAN Power Ranking and 13th on the Fall 2019 PGRU. Shuton is considered one of the best Olimar players in the world and is also known to play Ritcher, Shulk, Hero, and Joker among others.
Shuton has competed at numerous tournaments including 2GG: Kongo Saga, 2GG: SwitchFest 2019, EGS Cup 3, EVO 2019, Frostbite 2020, Little Big House 5, Seoul Smash X, Stunfest 2019 Tournaments, Sumabato SP 15, Super Smash Con 2019, The Big House 9, and Thunder Smash 3: Clash of the Pandas! Shuton won the title in the SSBU singles at EVO Japan 2020 and has snatched game sets from other prominent smashers like MkLeo, Void, and Zero.
Follow Shuton on Youtube!