Matches statistic
Matches played
24Win rate
64%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
24Win rate
64%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
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Worst vs:
Mr. Game & WatchWins-losses:
Onin is an American Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player with Steve as main.
Onin competed and finished 1st out of 392 in COMBO BREAKER 2022!
Also Onin competed a lot and took decent places in such tournaments as The Coinbox, Bamboo Battles: Smash Ultimate, Spartan Sendoff, Wolvarena 4 Powered by 26 Rising and Team Solstice, Crimson Clash, Grand Revival, Starlight Road: Infinity V1, Glitch - Infinite, $100 Rotten To The Core, No Rest Late Night Wifi 99, DI Downriver, Spartan Weeklies, Riptide, THE OASIS, The Box: Lunch Box, The Box: Juice Box and others.
You can follow Onin on Twitter.