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Big House XI: SSBU Doubles Results

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Big House XI: SSBU Doubles Results
Soar and Pocket claim first prize

The Big House 11 is a Super Smash Bros. Tournament, and while there are 64 and Melee brackets, we focus on the Ultimate version. Single Bracket has not ended yet (at the moment of writing, it is currently in the top-32 phase), but the Doubles tournament has already concluded. 

The champions of the Doubles bracket are Jayson "Soar" Medeiros and Angel "Onin" Mireles. Both used Steve in the tournament (no accusations; we have to mention that since there is intense controversy around the character). They defeated Benji "loaf" Rust and Lucas "Chase" Ray in the grand finals. It was an intense match as all five games were required to determine a champion after the grand final was reset.

The top-4 of The Big House 11 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles Bracket:

  • 1st place — Soar and Onin
  • 2nd place — loaf and Chase
  • 3rd place — Lui$ and Lucky
  • 4th place — Linus and Hawk

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