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John Numbers

  • John Goldberg
  • USA

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Birthday : Apr 10, 1992 (32)
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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


John Numbers's character usage stats

Wii Fit Trainer
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Wii Fit Trainer48 %42

Opponents’ character usage stats

Diddy Kong
Mii Brawler
Captain Falcon
Zero Suit Samus
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Diddy Kong55 %11
Falco40 %5
Mii Brawler60 %5
Captain Falcon25 %4
R.O.B.75 %4
Fox0 %3
Snake67 %3
Yoshi67 %3
Joker50 %2
Zero Suit Samus0 %2

John Numbers's matchups


The player is not on DF Rankings yet
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John Goldberg or "John Numbers" is an American Super Smash Bros player and member of the House of 3000 crew.

He mains Wii Fit Trainer in Smash 4 and Ultimate, Charizard in Project M, and Lucario in Brawl with his playstyle varying slightly depending on the character.

John Numbers won the 2015 Nintendo World Championship and was a runner up in 2017. He has won matches against top contenders across smash platforms including Frozen, Mr E, NAKAT, Odyssey, Suarez, and WaDi.

Ranked 4th on the New York Smash 4 Power Rankings and 9th on the Ultimate New York City Power Rankings, John has an overall set count of 71% and is a regular at Nebulous Prime and Xeno. He has teamed up with smashers like Sinji for smash doubles matches.

John Numbers also competed in ssbu singles and placed 9th at NYXL Pop-Up!, 17th at Defend The North 2019 & Tri-state Showdown, 25th at Glitch 8, and 33rd at Let's Make Big Moves.

At GENESIS 7, John ranked 33rd and tied with CPU, Evy, Keroguchi, and varun for the  honor of obtaining the highest rank by a Wii Fit Trainer main at an S tier tournament for Ultimate.

Take a peek at John Numbers' Twitch channel here.


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