Matches statistic
Matches played
29Win rate
63%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
29Win rate
63%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Most played vs:
Wii Fit TrainerWins-losses:
Best vs:
Worst vs:
Wii Fit TrainerWins-losses:
Matches played
29Win rate
63%Current streak (Old → New)
BO5 | Nelvin | 0 :3 | John Numbers |
12:00 AMBO3 | Nelvin | 2 :1 | Mateo | ||
12:00 AMBO3 | Purity | 1 :2 | Nelvin | ||
12:00 AMBO3 | Nelvin | 0 :2 | ANTi |
11:50 AMBO3 | Nelvin | 2 :0 | Freelancer Leo | ||
11:30 AMBO3 | Epic_Gabriel | 2 :1 | Nelvin | ||
11:00 AMBO3 | Nelvin | 2 :0 | insomniac (US) | ||
10:30 AMBO3 | Nelvin | 2 :0 | joi |
Nelvin Montesdeoca aka Nelvin is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player from Connecticut, United States of America. His main character is Diddy Kong. Montesdeoca is the "EVIL” team member.
Nelvin is best known for participating at New England Arcadian III, SYNTHESIS, Push The Limit, Xenosaga XXI, Ultimate Cataclysm #2, Imperial Smash, Ultimate Naifu Wars: Trek to Prime Saga, MONZA Ignition Speed Festival: Smash Ultimate Tournament, CEO 2019 Fighting Game Championships, Smash Down, Apocalypse, Soaked Series Invitational, Let's Make Big Moves - A Tristate Smash Ultimate National, Encore Smash Weekly, and Battery Pack Bash 5, where he finished 2nd.
You can follow Nelvin on Twitter.