Matches statistic
Matches played
36Win rate
62%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
36Win rate
62%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
12:20 PMBO3 | Awais Honey | 0 :2 | FGL129925 |
11:50 PMBO9 | Arslan Ash | 5 :2 | Awais Honey | ||
11:20 PMBO5 | Awais Honey | 3 :1 | JDCR | ||
10:50 PMBO5 | Saint | 1 :3 | Awais Honey | ||
9:35 PMBO5 | Awais Honey | 3 :1 | Caiper | ||
8:50 PMBO5 | Arslan Ash | 3 :1 | Awais Honey | ||
6:50 PMBO5 | Awais Honey | 3 :0 | Kirakira |
11:40 PMBO3 | Awais Honey | 0 :2 | Fergus | ||
10:45 PMBO3 | Awais Honey | 1 :2 | JDCR | ||
10:00 PMBO3 | Awais Honey | 2 :1 | Jopelix |
Awais "Awais Honey" Iftikhar is a professional Tekken player from Pakistan who is currently signed up with Genuine Gaming.
Awais Honey debuted the international competitive gaming scene shortly after Arslan Ash's EVO Japan victory. When Ash said that he's not even the best player in Pakistan, some people doubted that, after all, he just went on a tear, destroying players who were seen as the best of the best. However, Awais showed that Ash wasn't just being humble. Awais won FV Cup 2019, beating Knee, Ulsan and Nobi in the process. Similar results occurred at ROXnRoll Dubai 2019 where he beat Chanel and LowHigh. He also won 2nd place at Season 1 of WePlay Ultimate Fighting League Tekken 7.
Follow Awais Honey on Instagram.