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Tekken 7
Tekken 7

Julia Guides

Michelle Chang taught her stepdaughter Julia some very effective attacks. Julia uses some wrestling techniques and Chinese martial arts. She is very fast and damages opponents with quick hits that can be easily chained into combos.Know more

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Tekken 7 - Julia Chang Move List by BLUELINKBR

Julia Chang's story

Julia Chang is Michelle's adopted daughter. She was found in the ruins of Indian settlements, after which she ended up in Michelle's tribe, where she adopted her. Since childhood, her mother taught Julia to protect nature and her native land, and also taught her martial art.

After the mysterious disappearances of famous people all over the world began, Michelle, leaving Julia at home, went to Japan to Heihachi Mishima. She then disappears, and Julia goes to look for her.

Julia finds her mom near Ogre's lair. Then it comes out that Heihachi awakened Ogre and wanted to control him with the help of a pendant. Julia wants to get revenge on the old man, but her mother reminds her that hatred is not an option and that she taught Julia to fight to protect Mother Earth, not to destroy it. Together, mother and daughter return to their homeland in Arizona.

After some time hiding her identity under the mask and pseudonym JC, Julia fully focuses on the development of her project to restore forests around the globe, far from the places of battle and war.

Julia gameplay

Julia is a character that combines high damage (one of the most powerful combos in Tekken 7) and space control. She is capable of both attacking "number one" and catching the enemy on his/her mistakes.

Once again, she has a very dangerous and powerful series of attacks at medium and short-range. Julia Chang Tekken 7 combos do a lot of damage, but her normal attacks in neutral mode are not as strong. Thanks to her specialization in short-range shots, Julia plays confidently against almost any opponent. In turn, playing against her - you must try to keep her at a distance and patiently wait until she thoughtlessly attacks like a bull, then knocking her out. At the same time, she is very good at controlling space with the help of Party Crasher.


Tekken 7: Julia Staple Combos by legendaryMihawk

Tekken 7 Julia Chang Breakdown

Tekken 7 - Julia Chang Breakdown by That Blasted Salami

Julia Chang main combos

Easy way to choose combo for Julia: 2 filler hits, followed by a Party Crasher, Shotgun Spin, df+4,2,3 to screw then finish up with a WR21. From here we’ll just list what the optimal filler hits are for each combo starter.

Before reading the information below we recommend you check our Tekken 7 control guide

  • DF2,1
  1. F3~1 DF3 FF1 F21~F3,1 FF14 s! WR21 - 79
  2. f+3~1 > d/f+3 > f,F+1 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > f,F+1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 76
  3. F3~1 FF1 F21~F3,1 FF14 s! WR21 - (74 and a lot easier)
  • Df+1
  1. Open -  Easy: df3,1+2 / Hard: ff3 into wr21
  2. Wall - Easy: ff14 / Hard:  ff1+2
  • UF43
  1. d/f+2,3~1 > f,F+1 > f+2,1,3~1 > f,F+1,4 > WR+2,1 - 68
  2. d/f+3 > d/f+3 > f,F+1 > f+2,1,3~1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 67
  3. 4 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > f,F+1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 66
  • Ws1
  1. d/f+2,3~1 > f,F+1 > f+2,1,3~1 > f,F+1,4 > WR+2,1 - 68
  2. d/f+3 > d/f+3 > f,F+1 > f+2,1,3~1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 67
  • QCF2
  1. f+3~1 > d/f+3 > f,F+1 > f+2,1,3~1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 74
  2. U/F,n,4 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > > f,F+1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 73
  3. U/F,n,4 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 70
  • B4
  1. microdash d/f+3+4 > d,d/f+1,4~2 > S! > dash 1+2 > f,F+3 - 68
  2. microdash d/f+3+4 > d,d/f+1,4~2 > S! > d/f+4,2,b,F+1 - 64 (really easy)
  • 4 CH
  1. F3~1 ff1 f21,f3~1 ff14 s! Wr21 - 72 (very difficult)
  2. f,F+1 > d/f+3 > f,F+1 > f+2,1,3~1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 68 (easier)
  3. d,d/f+1,4~1 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > d,d/f+1,4 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 65
  • CH UF1
  1. f,F+1 > d/f+3 > f,F+1 > f+2,1,3~1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 = 70
  2. f,F+1 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > d,d/f+1,4~1 > f,F+1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1 - 68
  • CH CES 1
  1. SSL > d/f+2,3~1 > f,F+1 > f+2,1,3~1 > f,F+1,4 > S! > WR+2,1
  2. d/f+3 > d/f+3 > f,F+1 > d,d/f+1,4 > d/f+4,2,3 > S! > WR+2,1
  • CH ff(1),4
  1.  (wr3 df3 ff1 ff1 ff14)
  • WR1 / ff3
  1. Easy: ff+2
  2. Hard: WR2,1

Full Julia Tekken 7 guide you can read here.


We hope, you enjoyed Dashfight’s Tekken 7 Julia guide.

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Also, If you can’t defeat Kazumi in Tekken 7 Arcade mode, just click here.  If you are a freshman you can check our special guide How to Play Tekken 7.

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