Matches statistic
Matches played
66Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
66Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
66Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
Ryo Nozaki "Dogura" is a Japanese fighting game pro currently representing CYCLOPS athlete gaming. Although he plays a variety of titles, dogura is well known for his prowess in Street Fighter V. He has also made a name for himself in Dragon Ball FighterZ, achieving the rank of 5th best player on the PGRZ 50.
Dogura excels at other franchises like Guilty Gear and BlazBlue, with the latter responsible for his popularity after he finished 2nd to Keiji "Galileo" Okamoto at EVO 2014's BlazBlue tournament.
In DBFZ, Dogura had won Thaiger Uppercut 2018, placed 3rd at Combo Breaker 2018 and Final Round 2018, and notably reached 4th place at DBFZ World Tour Finals 18-19. Overall, Dogura's DBFZ display is quite successful as they constantly reach high places at various tournaments.
Dogura sfv exploits include winning Canada Cup 2017 and TWFighter Major 2017 against Go1 and Kazunoko, winning a $7000 prize each time. He has played tournaments in locations ranging from Australia and the United States to Indonesia and Thailand.
In 2018, dogura got married with quite a buzz. He had the wedding party and exhibition match against Machabo streamed on his Twitch. The couple received many congratulations online from fans and peers alike who were happy to catch a glimpse of the dogura wife. Check out dogura's twitter.