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Brawlhalla Winter Championship 2023: Australia and Southeast Asia

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Brawlhalla Winter Championship 2023: Australia and Southeast Asia
The first official championship of 2023 started with tournaments in these two regions

Unlike seasonal events of the previous year, we have Singles matches on the first weekend of the 2023 Championships. Do you like such a change?

But another feature is unchangeable — Brawlhalla Winter Championship 2023 started with fights in Australia and Southeast Asia (which is pretty natural).

Let’s enjoy these competitions!

Australia | Brawlhalla Winter Championship 2023 | Stream

Asmodie defeated Hypka and Doggo with no lost games — to reach the Grand Final.

Doggo had similar success in the Losers Final vs Hypka but could win only one game in the following match against Asmodie.

Brawlhalla Characters at Winter Championship 2023, Australia

7. Dooblakek

5. Kylar Alice

5. Beware of Chair

4. Vay

3. Hypka

2. Doggo

1. Asmodie

Southeast Asia | Brawlhalla Winter Championship 2023 | Stream

The first match between himwy and Sire was very close. Only in the decisive game, himwy won and proceeded to the Winners Final. The next opponent, Holox, wasn’t that difficult, and after a 3:0 victory, himwy was in the Grand Final.

Sire defeated three opponents to return to the fight against himwy. But this time, the score was much different. 3:0, and himwy wins the tournament.

Brawlhalla Characters at Winter Championship 2023, Southeast Asia

4. Vortex

3. Holox

2. Sire

1. himwy

This material was created with the support of our Patrons. You can support us!

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