

  • Renton McGlashan
  • Canada

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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


rm8's character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Ike58 %26

Opponents’ character usage stats

Rosalina & Luma
Pit / Dark Pit
Wii Fit Trainer
Min Min
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Rosalina & Luma60 %5
Pit / Dark Pit50 %4
Snake75 %4
Wii Fit Trainer100 %4
Cloud0 %3
Min Min0 %3
Steve100 %2
Mario100 %1

rm8's matchups


The player is not on DF Rankings yet




Renton "rm8" McGlashan is a professional Super Smash Bros. Ultimate competitor and online tournament organizer from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. His main in SSBU is Ike. 

rm8 has taken sets from such opponents as Lights, Ling Ling, Larry Lurr, Vendetta, Anality, Br1 AV, JeJaJeJa, 0mart, Yei, Marvelous_Marco, and others.

McGlashan's career in competitive Smash began at Redlight Rumble Online 1 in 2019 (SSBU). He has since been a dedicated and focused Ultimate player. In the period of 2019 - 2021, McGlashan has taken part in more than 1200 events. Some of them include:

• 2019: Farewell, Smash 4, The Swamp #2 (the 1st in singles), Smash Kingdom #74Combo City (the 2nd place), The Smash Syndicate #38 (the 2nd place). 

• 2020: The Smash Syndicate #44 (the 1st place), Soaked Series Invitational, Rewind Online #10 (the 1st place), No Bumps WiFi Series (the 2nd place), SA: Corona Clash 2 (the 1st place), Mega Smash Mondays Online 2, Le'Veon Bell and Hungrybox Present: The Box, CoroNAL5 (7th place), Rev It Up: 2020 Series WiFi Major, Vegas Games (9th place), The Online Olympus, Quarantine Weekly 4 (the 1st place), Domics' Atomic Arena, Mega Smash Mondays Online 11 (9th place), Canada Cup Gaming $200 Minor Tournament (6th place), The Quarantine Series: Pound Online - Ultimate, Tournament of Wisdom | Month 2/4 of the Triforce Series (the 1st), Salt Mines Online 2020, House and Facade's IG Milestone Tournament (9th place), ULTIMATE 32 (49th place), Fusion.exe: The Weekly #50 (the 1st place), 250$ Shuck3y's Showdow (4th place), Get Clipped #6 presented by Metaview (9th in singles), Galaxy Gambit x Collision #3 (4th place), 

• 2021: Mega Smash Mondays Online 36 (9th place), Lost Woods Tournament #3 (the 1st place), Ultimate @ Xanadu Online 390 (the 5th place), Escape from Lylat #4 (the 1st place), The Online Olympus II (9th place), Thirsty Thursday (the 1st place), Salt Flats 2021 Presented by Telus (7th place), Raccoon Cup 2021 (the 1st place), and others.