Matches statistic
Matches played
50Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
50Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO5 | Marvelous_Marco | 3 :1 | Luna | ||
BO5 | Marvelous_Marco | 1 :3 | umanz | ||
BO5 | Marvelous_Marco | 3 :1 | Luna | ||
BO5 | umanz | 3 :2 | Marvelous_Marco |
BO3 | Serenity (CA) | 2 :0 | Marvelous_Marco | ||
BO3 | Marvelous_Marco | 0 :2 | Monte | Monteant |
Marco Blanco "Marvelous_Marco" is an American Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player who mains Toon Link and is sponsored by W8.
Although he has been disqualified from numerous tournaments, Marvelous_Marco competed in SSBU singles at DreamHack Anaheim 2020 where he ranked a notable 7th.
Marvelous_Marco has also duked it out at Wario's Smash Down, GENESIS: BLACK, Pound Online, Anime Expo 2019, 2GG: Breakthrough 2019, and 2GG: SoCal Chronicles.