Matches statistic
Matches played
48Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
48Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
48Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | Pinya | 2 :1 | Mulgold | ||
BO3 | ATIF | 1 :2 | Pinya | ||
BO3 | R.lmyourfather | 1 :2 | Pinya | ||
BO5 | Arslan Ash | 3 :1 | Pinya |
Pinya (ぴんや) / Shinchan (しんちゃん) is a Tekken 7 player from Japan who represents Donuts USG and play characters like Gigas and Master Raven.
They started playing Tekken in 2019, trying his hand in Tokyo Tekken Masters 2019. Pinya has also competed in T7 singles at tourneys such as: