Matches statistic
Matches played
40Win rate
42%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
40Win rate
42%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Win rate
Most played vs:
Best vs:
Worst vs:
Master RavenWins-losses:
Most played vs:
Master RavenWins-losses:
Best vs:
Worst vs:
Master RavenWins-losses:
Matches played
40Win rate
42%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | Umashika | 0 :2 | chirichiri | konpaku | ||
BO3 | chirichiri | konpaku | 1 :2 | Rangchu | ||
BO3 | chirichiri | konpaku | 0 :2 | Ao |
8:00 AMBO5 | chirichiri | konpaku | 3 :0 | Hakaioh | ||
8:00 AMBO5 | TAKE | 3 :1 | chirichiri | konpaku | ||
8:00 AMBO5 | Noroma | 3 :0 | chirichiri | konpaku | ||
8:00 AMBO5 | Jyotaro | 3 :2 | chirichiri | konpaku |
8:00 AMBO5 | Pinya | 3 :0 | chirichiri | konpaku | ||
8:00 AMBO5 | chirichiri | konpaku | 3 :2 | YoujinBoy |
4:22 AMBO3 | chirichiri | konpaku | 0 :2 | Saint |
Takumi "konpaku" Fujimura (previously "chirichiri") is a professional Tekken player from Japan. He took 2nd place at Mastercup Try 2019 and also participated intournaments such as:
Follow konpaku on Youtube channel.