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Smash Ultimate Summit 6: Top 16 Recap

Sebastian Quintanilla
35 min

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Smash Ultimate Summit 6: Top 16 Recap
A bombastic final day of the competition and a final goodbye to the Summit team

A bittersweet day for esports, as Smash Ultimate Summit 6 marks the final summit for the BTS production team. Industry woes aside, the competition was fierce, and coming into the top 16, it was clear that we were going to be treated to an amazing day of SSBU.

Loser Round 1

Sparg0 vs VoiD

Starting from the underside of the bracket, it was VoiD facing Sparg0. A Cloud versus Sheik matchup for the first game of the day. Sparg0 showed great control on the edges of the stages, keeping VoiD's sheik in the air and outside of the stage to secure two stocks. But VoiD was able to mount a comeback and take the first game.

Kicking off game 2, VoiD was relentless in his pressure, drawing Sparg0 out of the stage twice, and although the Mexican did not give into it the first time, the second would result in VoiD taking the first stock. Looking at a 100% to 0% and stock down, Sparg0 pulled through and made it even for the last stock of the game. Yes, at 136% and risking it all, VoiD took the second game back-to-back, putting him on set point.

VoiD once again came out of the gate with pressure, but the moment Sparg0 had room to work with, he was able to push Sheik to the edge of the stage and build that Limit to keep VoiD in the danger zone. Armed with that pressure, Sparg0's Cloud was able to score a point in his favor to make it 2-1.

In a big change from previous games, with Sparg0 taking pushing for the advantage early and taking a stock early. Yet, VoiD, looking at a stock with 120%, pulled the impossible and brought the equalizer from 0 to 150% without taking more than 40% himself with rage. In the last stock situation, both players fought to the very edge, but sparg0 clutched the final stock to tie up the set 2-2.

Four games in, both players were laser-focused on their opponent's gameplan. VoiD was able to bring Sparg0 to the edge of the stage and force multiple recoveries, bringing him to 180% before finally being able to secure the first stock, but he was forced to take his own fair bit of damage to do so. In a brilliant display of control, VoiD recovered from a game-ending off stage push to bring it back and blow Sparg0 out of the water to advance to the next round and take out a Summit champ.

Skyjay vs Hungrybox

A fan favorite for many as Skyjay took on Hbox with his incredible Incineroar. An Up throw would secure the first stock for Skyjay, but both players had a hard time dealing with each other's plan. Hungrybox did his best to fight in the air and off the stage, but as Incineroar was rocking the high 170%, Hungrybox was again at risk of losing his second one. Hbox was able to bring it to a last stock fight, but the percentages and the gameplay painted a much more flattering picture for Skyjay with a 1-0 advantage.

The second game seemed to be a rerun for Skyjay, but this time around, Jiggly did cut the momentum short to equalize the stock and avoid a runaway percentage bleed. Undeterred, Skyjay kept up the pressure and did not give in to the aerial battle, dragging Hungrybox down and out of game number two with another L to his name.

Moving on to Battlefield, Hbox's pick, Skyjay was able to make a statement, taking Jigglypuff out of contention top side to take the first stock within the first few seconds. The second stock would not take much longer either, the silver lining being that Hbox was able to take a stock off two from Incineroar before losing 3-0 to Skyjay.

Glutonny vs Aaron

Glutonny was a favorite for the matchup, given his mastery of Wario and the quality of the matchup versus Diddy Kong. Even with that match-up advantage, Aaron was able to pick up the first and second stock before giving up one of his own. As he was close to securing the deal for game one, Glutonny's experience on the big stage helped him pick up a couple of stocks to push Aaron to the limit, who would respond in kind and make sure, at the very least, he got the first game on the board.

As the momentum began to shift, Glutonny picked up the first stock and did a great job pushing Aaron to the corner and off the stage. On the back of his Bike throwing gameplay, Glutonny secured a second stock and produced a game win to bring the series to a 1-1.

On an almost 0 to 100 first stock, the control of the match laid perfectly in Wario's massive hands, forcing Aaron to adapt after effectively starting a stock down. A wonderful hitbox expansion on edge from Wario's Bike gave Glutonny all he needed to keep going and three-stock Aaron to advance the series to a 2-1.

Pulling himself back in, Aaron picked up the first stock in the smaller smashville along with a nice advantage for his second stock, opening up the opportunity to take a second game and bring about game number five.

Like in smashville, small battlefield would see Aaron take the lead after Glutonny dropped the bike to open an opportunity that Diddy did not need to think twice before taking. With even stocks Glutonny kept Aaron on the corner and off stage to take a stock on the back of his patience. But a raw throw for Aaron would once again make the stocks even for a last-stock, last-game situation that Glutonny wins more times than he loses.

MkLeo vs NaetorU

We always say it's a rare sight, but it never really is, MkLeo once again faces elimination matches on the loser side of the bracket to prove his worth yet again. But that is not to put down his opponent, who although did not come in with the strongest group's record, was still a danger. Featuring Meta Knight on the side of MkLeo against Pichu for NaetorU. The first game would fall the way of MkLeo.

Second game NaetorU was able to pick up the first stock, but it would not take long for MkLeo to bring home a stock of his own. With the game pushed into the final stock, MkLeo's Meta Knight was strong enough to pull through for game two, and push him to set point.

Showing great control on Meta Knight, Mkleo picked up a stock quickly and although it took him longer to secure the second one, NaetorU was simply not ready for the pressure. The few times the Frenchman showed flashes of brilliance were as many as the ones where he would miss tech or a chance to punish MkLeo.

Winner Quarter-Finals

Acola vs Big D

A key matchup for many, with Minecraft Steve often seen as an overpowered character and some competitions and entire regions banning it out of their scenes. Opposite to this is Big D's ice climbers, certainly not a character lauded as a meta pick. Big D had a brilliant start taking the first and second stock before losing one himself and taking Game 1 in dominant fashion.

Ice Climber's double shields came up clutch once again, as Steve's cart needed to break both, but in the middle, Big D found the window of frames to punish the move and punish Acola's gameplay to build up a nice advantage to take the second game and bring it to set point.

Big D had yet again another amazing start for Game 3, juggling Acola in the air and picking up the opening stock. Yet, Acola got a number of splits during his second stock to open up the game and bring the series to a 2-1.

Game four saw Acola picking up the first stock and resisting long enough during the ensuing fight to only give up the stock once Ice Climbers had picked up over 80% damage and were poised to lose the second stock. In the last stock for each a Big D bait secured the win 

MuteAce vs Kurama

The best peach in the world has gotten the most out of that character so far, and he was not about to stop. In a matchup straight out of an episode of Judge Judy, the divorce of Peach and Mario took to the stage of Summit with Kurama taking the first and second stock of the series on the back of his incredible survivability, and although MuteAce was able to put up a stoic fight, game one would go the way of Mario.

MuteAce showed great control all throughout game two and kept the stocks even, earning a lead and eventually the second game win on the back of great turnip setups to force off-stage edge situations that did not suit Kurama's gameplay at all.

With the set at 1-1, game three opened up with lots of spacing play, as neither player wanted to leave the door open for the other to get their combos in. MuteAce showed much better control of the neutral and managed to strike a brilliant setup and followed up with a great strike near the edge to put himself up 2-1.

Neither player wanted to be the first to give up the first stock. Eventually, Kurama was able to strike out MuteAce at 160% and then earn a further 70% for his side before MuteAce made the game event again. Mario would control much of the game, bringing on a game five.

Thanks to the high platform of the stage, Kurama was able to pick up a quick stock. Neither player wanted to fully commit to a brawl, with Kurama fishing for high platform kills while MuteAce tried to build an advantage off the ledge. 

ProtoBanham vs Riddles

A highlight match, if there ever was one. Riddles Kazuya's gameplay is s right to behold, but ProtoBanham's Min Min is a great challenge for it. The first stock went the way of Riddles, although it was only a momentary advantage as Min Min traded stocks again and then zoned out Riddles to take game one.

Banham started out game two with the same energy, taking a quick stock out of the hands of Riddles by controlling the ledge and recovery options of Kazuya. To make matters worse for Riddles, a second stock and third stock loss would come quickly and leave him holding a 3-0 stock loss with a 2-0 opponent set advantage.

Coming into game three, Riddles chose to swap out of the Kazuya to field Terry instead and saw results immediately, putting Min Min in the corner and at over 100%, taking the first stock and then trading for the second before securing a point on the board and bringing the series to a 2-1.

Not to be outdone, ProtoBanham switched over to Lucina for the fourth game of the set and earned a cheeky stock off Riddles to start it out. Once again, terry's lacking recovery had a big cost for Riddles, as he lost another stock to poor recovery, with ProtoBanham securing the 3-1.

ApolloKage vs Tweek

A hard matchup for Tweek, as his Sephiroth, faced one of the best Snakes in the world in ApolloKage, but he gained an advantage with a first stock. Following that was an even matchup, with ApolloKage punishing Tweek whenever possible, but even then, it was hard for him to have a solid counterplay to Tweek's available range, leading to a game one on the side of Tweek.

Game two saw ApolloKage get a tricky KO on the right side off a missile but then be countered by Sephiroth's massive sword moments after in a well-timed-up tilt that had ApolloKage scared of using the platform for long enough to give Tweek the second game of the series.

A confident Tweek started off strong in game three but did not capture the first stock of the game and was punished with a second stock loss after. ApolloKage was able to adapt his gameplay, leaning harder into setups and zone denial via grenades and missiles, taking game three in the process to bring it to a 2-1.

The big highlight of game four was ApolloKage grenade juggling that led him to a 2-stock lead over Tweek, and he did not let up, building a network of damage around Tweek strong enough to force a tied series.

A change of stage also changed the momentum, with Tweek taking the first stock and kept dealing damage to Snake to make it an easier job to file ApolloKage away to the loser's bracket and avoid the reverse sweep.

Losers Round 2

Acola vs MkLeo

Whether a delight or a scary prospect, the two beasts would meet on the loser's side to decide which one would be walking away from Summit short of the top 8. MkLeo decided to swap once again, this time into his Byleth, to improve his chances in the matchup against Steve. An intense back and forth led to Acola taking the first set but then falling behind, with MkLeo cleaning up two stocks back to back before Acola secured game one for his side.

Leo did not have a good start for the second game, as Acola secured both of the opening stocks for his side while resting below 100%. Acola was able to keep Byleth in the corner and punish any attempts at escaping it, leading to a 3-0 game in favor of Acola, a true momentum-building victory.

If Game two was a great performance by Acola, the start of Game three could be called a masterpiece, as Acola destroyed MkLeo's first stock while only suffering single-digit damage himself. Even though MkLeo was able to pick up a stock in the middle of the game, better than previously, Acola simply dominated the edges of the stage to make it as hard as possible for Leo to mount a comeback, which never came.

MuteAce vs Glutonny

The opening stock went the way of MuteAce though the advantage did not last long, with both two stocks a piece before MuteAce once again built up a lead by taking Glutonny off stage and protecting the ledge earning another stock. With momentum on MuteAce's side, all it took was one well-timed aerial to take Game one.

Glutonny was able to pick up the pace for Game two and took the first stock but was unable to do much with that, even as he had taken far less damage than MuteAce, who was ready to pick up on those mistakes and force a last stock with a strong percentage advantage to his side and yet, another hitbox extension on the side of our lovely Wario player gave him the win to bring the series to a 1-1.

A perfectly placed up-smash gave MuteAce the opening stock for Game three, and even though he was hitting above 130% Peach put up a further 150% before finally tapping out the stock but Glutonny is not one to give up, as even at 170% he played it hard to force a last stock situation that took everything from MuteAce to secure the 2-1 advantage.

Almost taking the first stock in the first few seconds, MuteAce did pick it up but didn't get to enjoy a few extra hits before Glutonny pulled the stock lead to his side. Coming to the last stock, it was a misplay on the side of MuteAce to move Wario's bike up the platform, which resulted in the series going to game five.

Opening stock for game four had MutaAce's name on it, and even though Glutonny managed to live on after, it was not that fruitful, resetting the advantage for the second stock. Even though MuteAce looked the strongest in the neutral and was able to pick the advantage stock, in the last stock situation, Gluto made sure to close out the series.

Riddles vs Skyjay

Skyjay started strong, taking the first stock against Riddles' Kazuya, but that was not enough to truly take out Riddles, as he came back to take Incineroar's stocks back to back to back to bring Riddles to the lead.

Game two had a similar start, with Skyjay picking up the opening stock only for Riddles to try to retake the momentum. This time, however, Skyjay cut Kazuyo short and slammed him off the stage twice to bring the series to a 1-1.

If game one felt fast, and game two was an incredible back and forth, game 3 was a bombastic display of just pure grappling, with Riddles and Skyjay exchanging command grabs left and right of the stage until one of them remained, and for game three it was Skyjay blowing Riddles out of the stage.

For game four, Riddles was able to take the initiative and take the first stock while also powering up and pushing Incineroar so far off-stage that recovery was impossible. Yet, a masterclass in edge guarding would bring the game to the very last stock for both players, where Skyjay just popped off and closed off the series 3-1.

ApolloKage vs VoiD

The opening stock went the way of VoiD, who looked in control, safely playing around ApolloKage's grenades, eventually coming down a last stock after ApolloKage equalized the count all be it with a heavy disadvantage in terms of percentage, ending with him falling off the stage and giving Game one to VoiD.

VoiD continued working down ApolloKage in the second game, bringing it to a last stock situation early, but the Snake master was not ready to give in and pull Sheik down to the previous stock to close out the game and bring in the tied series.

The third game of the set saw Void once again taking the first stock of the match, building on top of that advantage by nearly 100% before losing his first stock. Unfortunately for VoiD, ApolloKage adapted well and made the most of his second stock to force both to the last stock, where Snake's up-tilt once again came in clutch to give ApolloKage the lead for the set 2-1.

the first stock for game four lasted a long while, with ApolloKage trying to keep himself alive with Snake at well over 150% for the longest time possible while chipping in damage whenever possible. For Void, he was able to increase the percentage gap and capture a stock with minimal losses, but ApolloKage's setup and follow-ups were nothing short of insane to close out the set 3-1.

Winner Semi-Finals

Tweek vs ProtoBanham

Tweek decided to take out Sephiroth for the matchup, while Banham went with his solid Min Min. Game one saw neither player gaining a significant advantage from the get-go, with ProtoBanHam claiming first stock at the cost of percentage. Still, he punished Spehiroth's approaches well enough to draw out his first stock so he could fill Tweek's percentage nice and full. Even at 160%, Banhan could claim a second stock off Tweek and followed up with a third to take game one.

For the set's second game, Tweek moved on to Diddy Kong, yet the change seemed not enough to overcome Banham's control of the stage and ability to escape the corner. It would be Min Min taking the first stock, but Tweek returned the favor quickly, resetting the advantage. On the last stock, Tweek adapted to Min Min's presence and masterfully controlled the stage, eventually earning him the game win.

Coming to game three ProtoBanham swapped over to Lucina, taking the opening stock in the process and getting one over Tweek before he was able to force the last stock, even though Tweek was in touching distance of 150%, which ultimately sealed the deal to bring the series to a 2-1 in favor of Banham.

Into Game four with another Banham swap back to Min Min, where Tweek has a commanding first stock, only going up to 15% himself and giving him a solid foundation to build from, and built he did, outpacing Banham for the second and third stock bringing the series to a 2-2.

In what at this point is certainly a strategic choice, Banham once again pulled out the Lucina to try to close out the set and try he would take the first stock of the game. Tweek pulled back a stock of his own. Even then, both players came to the very last stock of the game, with Tweek setting up a brilliant banana peel on the edge of the stage to win it.

Kurama vs Big D

Kurama was able to take out one of the twins, but Big D made sure to take the opening and second stock of the game with minimal damage to himself. A lead he would extend for the rest of the game to overcome Kurama's Mario and take Game one.

Big D tried to carry over the momentum from the first game, but Kurama managed to split the twins to take the first stock, even if it only meant resetting back to 0% for both players. The second stock would follow the same archetype of Big D, focusing on building up damage and pushing Kurama off stage while Kurama tried to split the Ice Climbers, and like the first, both players would end up KOing each other to bring forth a last stock situation at even percentages until Big D gained the advantage and picked up another game to his name.

Although Big D was close to taking the first stock, Kurama's control over the edge gave him the initial advantage. Even as another split happened, Kurama had to give it his all to take the second and third stock from the Ice Climbers to put a point in the board for Mario.

A great opener for Big D, as he barely reached 50% and continued to control the stage away from Kurama for as long as he could. Even when given a very disadvantageous position, Big D made the most of it by stalling and adding as much damage as he could just with one climber. With pressure like that, it should not be surprising to see Big D advancing to the winners finals.

Loser Round 3

Acola vs Glutonny

First stock when the way of Acola, but not without Gluto putting up a fierce fight to push the upper 100% out of Acola. Although Gluto tried his best and managed to stack up good damage when Steve sat close to 0%, once the matchup reached the higher percentages, things got away from him, enough for Acola to take game one.

Glutonny started out game two with a great first stock, forcing Acola to play without iron and eventually taking the first stock with it. unfortunately, Gluto had issues securing the second stock and was pushed down two himself before Acola chased out the diamond pickaxe to bair him out of game two.

Heading into the third game, with the set point on the line, Acola just looked locked in for the matchup, dispatching Gluto every time he came close until the opportunity showed up for Acola to try to close out the stock and close it up he did, winning over Glutonny in three quick games.

Skyjay vs ApolloKage

An intense start to the game, with Skyjay coming in hot and putting ApolloKage on fire at 80% before being completely denied the ledge by AK to give the first stock to the Snake, who would take the advantage and run a further stock right after his own. Still, Skyjay brought the game back to the last stock for both and, even sitting at over 130%, Incineroar picked up the first game.

A close second game saw both players bringing it down to the last stock once again at even percentages, even as high as 100%. before ApolloKage finished off game two in style with a great C4 trigger to take Skyjay off the stage's upper side.

Skyjay took the first two stocks of the game before giving one up himself. ApolloKage was under siege from Incineroar the whole game, Skyjay chasing him around the stage to take out all his option until a final hit sealed the deal for game three, giving the lone remaining Mexican in the racket the advantage at 2-1.

For Game four ApolloKage tried to keep the ledge clean off from Skyjay with Nikitas, but it would be a well-placed C4 once again that would give ApolloKage the opening stock. Yet, Skyjay decided it was time to enact revenge and picked up five stacks to wipe out ApolloKage from the game and win the set outright.

Loser Quarter-Finals

ProtoBanham vs Acola

Two of the best Japanese players in the scene would face each other to keep one of their runs alive in the tournament. Banham chose to field Min Min for game one against Acola's perfected Steve, which proved well-fitted for an opening stock kill off the stage. A feat he would repeat a few moments pushing Steve off the stage, forcing recovery options, and punishing them with Min Min's greater range and taking game one.

In game two, Acola Looked far better, taking the first stock and then going deep below the stage to secure a second stock even as he finally gave up a stock. Still, one stock advantage for Acola made it hard for Banham to break through all the resources he secured over the course of the game and eventually forced Banham to take the loss and go to game three.

Although the Lucina swap would have been expected, Banham kept Min Min for game three, and even though he did secure the first stock, it lasted just a few seconds as Acola made it even once again. Anvil being of the biggest problems for BanHam across the game, with Acola closing out game three with a diamond pickaxe bair.

Banham would indeed swap over to Lucina for game four, a must-win for him. Taking the first stock and then securing a second one with a fantastic off-stage play to bounce Steve off the bottom and down to the void. A feat he repeated again in style by smashing Acola down off from his own dirt block.

The first stock of game five went the way of Acola, who looked in control after it, taking a scored stock while staying at just over 100%. As Bbanham mounted a comeback with a quick stock kill, Acola cleaned house and advanced on a 3-2 count.

Kurama vs Skyjay

Skyjay's anime protagonist arc kept on delivering, this time as he faced Mario himself, well, Kurama's Mario. Unfortunately for him, the first stock would go the way of Kurama from the right side off the stage, but Skyjay was able to pick up two stocks back to back and flip the advantage to his side before things reset for the last stock. Kurama's air control and pressure, keeping Incineroar up in the air, was good enough to secure game one.

Starting out Game two, Skyjay picked up a quick first stock for very little damage, but Kurama did not let up in the combo and picked up a stock for himself in just a few seconds to create a beautiful spike. Although Skyjay pulled it back to force a last stock and was able to bring Mario in one-hit range, Kumara's patience paid off and extended his lead 2-0.

In game three, Kurama opened the game up with stock, and although Skyjay returned the favor, the two continued to exchange stocks until, once again, it was doing to the last stock and the home of Kurama's Mario who secured the 3-0 victory.

Winners Finals

Tweek vs Big D

Tweek successfully took the first stock, and it did not look that difficult for him to do so, splitting the Ice Climbers and cleaning up. Big D was able to get a stock of his own off Tweek's Sephiroth. Even with a great display of skill after losing Nana early in nearly all his stocks, Big D was unable to secure the win for game one.

Opening game two was Big D taking a stock off Tweek, though it could have easily been his own as Tweek continued to make splitting the ice climbers look easy. Still, Big D pulled through and brought about a last-stock situation once more, in which Tweek sealed his 2-0 lead.

Opening game three was on Big D's hands, who seemed to have adapted just enough to pile on the pressure on Tweek to drive his percentage higher in previous games and lead by a stock. This time around, with that advantage, Big D was able to put Tweek out and earn a point for the scoreboard.

Tweek took the first stock, but Ice Climbers were ready to even out the count right after and even built up 60% right off the bat on the respawn. As before, when given the liberty to control the ledges and corners of the stage, Big D was able to push Sephiroth to its limit, taking a second stock, but that was not enough as Tweek masterfully got rid of Nana during the last stock and punched his way to Grand Finals.

Losers Semi-Final

Acola vs Kurama

The first stock of the game went to Acola, but that leaves out the detail of how in control Aclola looked with Steve against Kurama's Mario, which would follow into the second stock of the game. Although Kumara was able to pick a stock of his own, Acola simply was too on point with his traps and movement for Kumara to try to capitalize.

Acola once again was dominant for the first two stocks of the game, Kumara had his moments, but Acola simply controlled the match away from Kumara's game plan leading to yet another game on the board for the Minecraft Steve specialist.

Coming into game three, there was no denying that it was Acola's game to lose. Kurama pulled through a brilliant effort to bring it to the last stock of the match, and either through blind luck or untapped skill, he was able to string together enough hits to keep his dream alive.

With the momentum slightly shifting in Kurama's favor, he took the first stock of game four and drove a decent amount of damage with his first stock before finally giving it up. another good stock from his brought the game to a last stock and in his favor. There, Acola was so close to being taken to the last game for the set but cleaned it up to win 3-1.

Loser Final

Big D vs Acola

The revenge set, as Acola was put on the losers' side by Big D earlier. Acola started out on fire, as he took Big D's first stock and then followed up again with another KO off the stage against both twins. But Big D brought it back to the last stock fight to try and win out a solo climber fight that would be hard against anyone, but especially against Acola, who would go on to take game one.

Once again, Acola picked up two stocks before coming losing his own, and in comparison to the earlier set, it was clear that Acola was ready for the matchup punishing the Ice Climbers far more aggressively than before. It was this aggression and setup proficiency against the ICs that led to a 2-0 advantage for the World leading Steve.

Acola kept the momentum into game three, taking the first stock of the game and looking in tune with the matchup, even as Big D put it all in the line to bring a stock to his side, eventually forcing a last-stock fight that did not favor Big D, allowing Acola to go up to the Grand Finals.

Grand Final

Tweek vs Acola [L]

Tweek started out with Sephiroth to make use of his greater range. although the first stock would go the way of Acola, Tweek landed a quick hit to reset for the second stock. Unfortunately, the damage he was able to do would be denied by two great-placed wood blocks from Acola to force an off-stage fall from Tweek. Back on the top side of the stage, Tweek picked up where he left off, bringing it to two stocks a piece and taking the first game.

Final Destinations for game two started out with Acola taking the first stock without too many issues, however, Tweek was not ready to accept that and went on to pick up the next two stocks from Acola without allowing Steve to retrieve the resources that opened up so many opportunities for him. Unfortunately for Tweek, a striking end saw Acola tie up the set.

A great back-and-forth to start game three, with Tweek finally picking up the first stock after a solid minute of pushing Acola off to the sides of the stage before eventually picking up the first stock and driving the win home after starving Acola of resources.

Coming into game four, spirits were high for Tweek to take it, but Acola still showed why he was able to come through the losers' bracket by taking the first stock of the game and pilling up another stock to be at an advantage that materialized into a game win for force the game five.

Both players would dip deep into their first stock, with Acola taking the opening KO while sitting at a dangerous 130% that Tweek took advantage of to come back, but Acola's patience for the matchup was too much for Tweek and forced the reset.

[L] Tweek vs Acola [L]

Tweek took the first stock on the back of a great recovery conversion against Acola's anvil pressure off the ledge. With the second stock developing in Tweek's favor, it looked like he was going to come into Acola's last stock with some advantage, but the Minecraft Steve specialist wiped off any advantage and put forth a 0% last stock fight, with Tweek taking the first game.

Acola picked up the first stock of game two off the stage with his anvil and built a nice percentage lead. Even as Tweek looked to fall into a nice rhythm to win the middle stocks, it would be Acola taking the most important one and winning game two of the reset.

Continuing his momentum for game three, Acola took two of Tweek's stocks before losing one of his own with great control at the edges of the stage, but like previously, Tweek might have been able to recover during the middle stocks, but that final third is what he struggled the most to put down giving Acola the 2-1 lead.

Although all the pieces were there for Tweek, as the fourth game of the set progressed, it felt more and more like Acola was a step above Tweek already. By the time the last stock for both was on the board it seemed almost destined to see Acola take the win at the final Summit win.

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