Matches statistic
Matches played
29Win rate
58%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
29Win rate
58%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO3 | Wowzer | 2 :0 | Yagami | ||
BO3 | DEE-ON GREY | 2 :1 | Wowzer | ||
BO3 | Wowzer | 2 :0 | 6 weetbix | ||
BO5 | 500mgTrenPerWeek | 3 :0 | Wowzer | ||
BO5 | Wowzer | 1 :3 | xtramint |
BO3 | Scorpion | 0 :2 | Wowzer | ||
BO3 | 500mgTrenPerWeek | 0 :2 | Wowzer | ||
BO3 | Wowzer | 0 :2 | Natural |
5:30 AMBO5 | Wowzer | 3 :2 | yumi | ||
4:55 AMBO5 | Wowzer | 3 :0 | yumi |
Daniel "Wowzer" Cossington is a Tekken player from New Zealand.
They competed in Tekken 7 Esports World Championship NZ Qualifier, Auckland Ranbats, Hambats, Waikato Arena Rampage, Battle Arena Melbourne 11, Four Color Fight Club, 6th Annual PSG Classic, EVO 2019 where they placed 3rd, OzHadou Nationals 16 where they took 3rd place, Sub-Zero Scuffle where they achieved 1st place, Southern Cross Up 2020, NZ Ranbats, Southern Stronghold 2021 where they took 2nd place, and Crush Counter Capital 2021 where they placed 1st.