Matches statistic
Matches played
4Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
4Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO3 | ESAM | 2 :0 | SonamSlash | ||
BO3 | SonamSlash | 2 :1 | SassyFlygon | ||
BO3 | Chag | 1 :2 | SonamSlash | ||
BO3 | SonamSlash | 1 :2 | Rivers |
SonamSlash is a Super Smash Bros. player from the United States who represents Revenant Esports and mains Link.
He has competed in tourneys like ComboBros $100 Tourney 4, CoroNAL6, Domics' Atomic Arena, Flat Combats 17, Get Clipped 3, Get On My Line 2020, InstaSmash 2020 Open Tournament 2, LagSpike 14, On The Grind 5, Return to Subspace: ONLINE - PAS Qualifier, Rev It Up: 2020 Series, Smash Out Breast Cancer, Smash for Rainn, The Lionheart Crusade, The Online Olympus, The Quarantine Series: Major Tournament 1,ULTIMATE 32, US ARMY ESPORTS TOURNAMENT, VA Esports Online Open, and Wario's Smash Down 2021 Week 38.
Follow SonamSlash on Twitter.