Matches statistic
Matches played
27Win rate
46%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
27Win rate
46%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Win rate
BO5 | Santy/ Starlit | HYBRID | 3 :1 | fakey/ Shadow0q | ||
BO5 | Zen/Hideaway | 2 :3 | Santy/ Starlit | HYBRID | ||
BO5 | Santy/ Starlit | HYBRID | 0 :3 | Zen/Hideaway | ||
BO5 | Zen/Hideaway | 3 :0 | Santy/ Starlit | HYBRID |
BO5 | Sandstorm/Boomie | 3 :0 | Santy/UNSTOPPABLExGOD |
Mike "Santy" Ruggieri is an American competitive gamer who is known for specializing in Brawlhalla.
Santy is also ranked at #3 in the North American Brawlhalla Power Rankings, usually placing Top 8 or Top 32 in the Brawlhalla tournaments he participates in.
Santy has also earned a total sum of $23,476.67 from Brawlhalla events.