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  • Seth Stone
  • USA

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Seth "Simba" Stone is an American competitive gamer from Chicago, Illinois, who is known for specializing in Brawlhalla, and competes in Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Under Night In-Birth Exe.

Simba is also ranked #34 in the North American Brawlhalla Power Rankings,  usually placing Top 48 in Brawlhalla tournaments he participates in, with some of his notable achievements in events such as Moose Wars, Halloween Havoc (9th place), ImPerium Bearded Brawls #27 (4th place), Moose Wars, The Siege of Gigawar #7 (2nd place), and North America - Summer Championship 2021 2v2 (5th place).

Simba regularly teams up with fellow Brawlhalla player Walshy for 2v2 events and has earned a total sum of $19,954.17 from Brawlhalla events.

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