

  • Daichi Nakayama
  • Japan

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Playing : 9+
Birthday : Jan 21, 1991 (33)
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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


Nobi's character usage stats

Sergei Dragunov
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Sergei Dragunov57 %7

Opponents’ character usage stats

Sergei Dragunov
Jin Kazama
CharacterWin rateTotal usage
Sergei Dragunov0 %3
Jin Kazama100 %2
Reina100 %2

Nobi's matchups


The player is not on DF Rankings yet



Daichi “Nobi” Nakayama is a professional Tekken player from Japan who represents YAMASA.

This world-renowned player used to be a below-average student in school attending extra classes outside of the curriculum. This led to a lot of stress which he blew off at the arcade, finding an outlet in Tekken. The game made him forget about the stress and was something he was confident about. This continued even after he was done with middle school.

Nobi became so obsessed with Tekken that he'd skip classes to play the game until he ended up dropping out of high school to play. He did homeschooling online and later applied for a programming degree in a university but had to quit it as well cause he was too obsessed with Tekken. At that point, he was already competing in local tournaments and making a name for himself which steadily grew into a career in fighting games and becoming one of the best players in the world and Japan especially.

Some of his best achievements include:

  • 2021: EVO 2021 ONLINE Tekken 7 - Asia East (17th), GALLERIA GAME CHALLENGE-TEKKEN Online Challenge 2021 (1st), HAKAIOH YUYUCUP / TEKKEN ONLINE DOJO2021 DOJO96+ (3rd), ICFC Dojo (2nd), KELOTCUP.9 DOJO (1st), MIX CHANNEL CUP TEKKEN7 ONLINE DOJO (5th), Red Bull 5G 2021 FIGHTING, TEKKEN Online Challenge 2021: Japan Online Masters (2nd), TEPPAN CUP (7th).
  • 2020: EVO Japan 2020 (33rd).
  • 2019: Battle Arena Melbourne 11 (4th), Chikurin Cup (2nd), eSports Nation 2019 (1st), EVO 2019 (5th), FV Cup 2019 (3rd), HAKAIOH YUYU CUP (5th), MASTERCUP AA TEKKEN WORLD TOUR 2019 DOJO TOKYO (5th), PARCO NAGOYA 10th Anniversary PARCO x BUTTONMASHERS (4th), REV Major 2019 (2nd), ROXnROLL Tekken Dubai (13th), The MIXUP 2019 (13th), TOKYO TEKKEN MASTERS 2019 (7th).
  • 2018: Canada Cup 2018 (1st), EVO 2018.
  • 2017: EVO 2017 (9th), OzHadou Nationals 15 (2nd), Thaiger Uppercut 2017 (2nd), Tekken World Tour Online 2017: East Asia (PlayStation 4) (1st).
  • 2015: EVO 2015 (1st).

Follow on Nobi YouTube and Twitter.