Matches statistic
Matches played
107Win rate
52%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
107Win rate
52%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Most played vs:
Best vs:
Samus/Dark SamusWins-losses:
Worst vs:
Matches played
107Win rate
52%Current streak (Old → New)
BO5 | ATATA | 2 :3 | Ling | ||
BO5 | Riddles | 3 :1 | Ling | ||
BO5 | Ling | 1 :3 | Goblin |
8:00 PMBO5 | ShinyMark | 3 :2 | Ling | ||
7:45 PMBO5 | Chag | 2 :3 | Ling | ||
7:15 PMBO5 | EKING | 2 :3 | Ling | ||
6:00 PMBO5 | ShinyMark | 3 :1 | Ling |
BO5 | Chazz | 0 :3 | Ling | ||
BO5 | AndrewT | 3 :2 | Ling |
Ricky Gorritz "LingLing" is an American Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Melee, Ultimate, and Wii U player, originally from Puerto Rico. He mains Peach with Daisy as SSBU secondary and Bayonetta as SSB4 secondary. In SSBB, he mains King Dedede with Kirby as secondary.
Ranked 6th on the New England Power Rankings and 7th on the New England Ultimate Power Rankings, LingLing plays for 16-Bit Esports and is a regular at events like Synthesis.
LingLing has also competed in ssbu singles and ranked 1st at Smashadelphia 2019 & Times Union Esports Tournament, 7th at Pound Online, 13th at CEO Dreamland, 17th at SWT 2021 Northeast America Qualifier - LCQ, 33rd at Super Smash Con 2019, 49th at Frostbite 2020, and 129th at EVO 2019.
LingLing coaches and gives smash lessons, so follow him Twitch or Twitter.