Matches statistic
Matches played
130Win rate
64%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
130Win rate
64%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Seisuke Komeda, also known as "Kome" is a competitive Super Smash Bros player from Japan. Ranked 9th on the JAPAN Power Rankings and 25th in the Fall 2019 PGRU Rankings, Kome alongside Tea joined the SUSANOO GAMING 8 in February 2020. Hailed as one of the best Shulk Smash main players in the world, his gameplay can be considered Shulk SSBU how-to guide.
Kome has competed in SSBU singles and ranked 1st at Sumabato SP10 after defeating Kuro, 2nd at Kagaribi 2020 & EVO Japan 2020 despite losing 3 straight sets to Shuton, 3rd at 2GG: SwitchFest 2019 after losing to Kameme & Tea, 17th at EGS Cup #2, and 33rd at EVO 2019 & Umebura Japan Major 2019.
Check out Kome's YouTube channel.