Matches statistic
Matches played
32Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
32Win rate
45%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Win rate
BO5 | acno?/Blaze | 3 :2 | simpLe/hysen | ||
BO5 | simpLe/hysen | 1 :3 | Pavelski/xJcoolJ |
BO5 | Fozey/Godly | 3 :1 | simpLe/hysen | ||
BO5 | simpLe/hysen | 3 :2 | Spyrox/Koko | ||
BO5 | Neeze/ Ted | 2 :3 | simpLe/hysen | ||
BO5 | Fozey/Godly | 3 :0 | simpLe/hysen |
BO5 | simpLe/hysen | 2 :3 | Fozey/Godly | ||
BO5 | simpLe/hysen | 1 :3 | Experience/Maid |
Hysen ''hysen'' Kumrija is a professional EU Brawlhalla player from Italy.
hysen competed and took the 2nd place in Brawlhalla Combo Breaker Online (EU) and Brawlhalla Spring Championship 2020 (EU). The 3rd place in Europe - Spring Championship 2021. The 4th place in Europe - SteelSeries Championship and Brawlhalla Autumn Championship 2019 (EU). The 5th place in Europe - Winter Championship 2021, Europe - Brawlhalla World Championship 2020, Europe - Mammoth Cup and Brawlhalla Autumn Championship 2018 (EU). The 7th place in Europe - Mammoth Invitational, Europe - Summer Championship 2021, Europe - Parsec Invitational, Brawlhalla Summer Championship 2019 (EU) and Brawlhalla Winter Championship 2019 (EU). The 9th place in Europe - Autumn Championship 2020, Low Tier City Midseason Online (EU), Europe - Summer Championship 2020 and Brawlhalla Winter Championship 2020 (EU). The 13 place in Europe - Autumn Championship 2021. The 17 place in Brawlhalla Spring Championship 2019 (EU) and Brawlhalla Spring Championship 2018 (EU).