DBFZ at Astral Finish Festival 2022: Mexican Style

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DBFZ at Astral Finish Festival 2022: Mexican Style
Pic Source: AF GDL on Twitch
Experience the power of the Mexican scene

We at DashFight love highlighting fighting esports events from various regions. Some relatively small tournaments give us a good chance to see a bit beyond big international events and discover some very talented players. Also, it’s very interesting to see how one game is played by different communities — from team composition to cool fighting tricks.

Astral Finish Festival 2022 happened recently in Mexico. It was a multi-game event, with Dragon Ball FighterZ among other titles. Let’s enjoy these fights!

DBFZ at Astral Finish Festival 2022

In the Winners Semi-Final, Neku confidently defeated Muzan. And then, almost the same confidently, he won the Winners Final against Dany.

DBFZ at Astral Finish Festival 2022 | Stream, Grand Final

In the Grand Final, Neku faced Dany again — and even if Dany tried to switch between teams, the result was the same.

Neku is the DBFZ Champion of Astral Finish Festival 2022. Congratulations!

DBFZ Team Composition at Astral Finish Festival 2022


Osito Ragna







If you are ready to witness other regional tourneys, make sure you haven’t missed our post DBFZ at CouchWarriors Crossup 2022 – that was an Australian event but with a Japanese guest.

To delve into a bigger fighting esports tournament, take some time to enjoy DBFZ matches from UFA 2022 — some of the biggest European players participated in it, but the Champion is from the USA.

This material was created with the support of our Patrons. You can support us!

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