Matches statistic
Matches played
100Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
100Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
100Win rate
56%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | Showmatic | 2 :0 | Luchohan | ||
BO3 | Akudama | 2 :0 | Showmatic |
BO3 | moy-kusanagi | 0 :2 | Showmatic | ||
BO5 | Showmatic | 0 :3 | Energie_Marduk | ||
BO5 | Showmatic | 3 :2 | El_Impulsivo_PR | ||
BO5 | Energie_Marduk | 3 :0 | Showmatic |
11:40 PMBO3 | DoomedDanny | 2 :0 | Showmatic |
Michael "Showmatic" Showes is a Tekken 7 competitor from Fort Knox, Kentucky, United States. Currently representing US Army eSports.
Some of their best results include 17th place at Tekken World Tour 2018 Online NA East, 17th place at April Annihilation 2019, 13th place at Winter Brawl 3D 2020, 17th place at Tekken Online Challenge US Central, 9th place at Frosty Faustings XIII, 7th place at ICFC Tekken NA Season 3 Week 1, and 17th place at EVO 2021 Online - North America.