Matches statistic
Matches played
5Win rate
36%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
5Win rate
36%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO3 | Luchohan | 2 :0 | DJTJVolume1 | ||
BO3 | donnell134 | 2 :0 | Luchohan | ||
BO3 | Luchohan | 2 :1 | Redonkulous | ||
BO3 | Luchohan | 0 :2 | Fear |
Luis "Luchohan" Castro is a Tekken 7 competitor from Orlando, Florida, USA. Their main in T7 is Lei Wulong. They are also known to play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Guilty Gear: Strive.
Luchohan made their competitive debut at Juicy Goes Online - Week #39 in 2020 (T7), where they took 5th place. In the following years, they played Tekken at such notable events as:
• 2021: ICFC NA SEASON 1, The Reversal Online #4, Next Level Battle Circuit: All In - Tekken 7 Tournament, Cuddle Circuit: Robo Rumble, EQNX Special, TEKKEN 7 COMMUNITY KING OF THE HILL FINALS, ICFC NA SEASON 2, Anakin Open, Romanjelly's Colosseum #5, $600 FIGHTING GAMEWORKS TUESDAYS - JUNE 15TH, JRGB FGC Night #1, Bud Light Beer League 2021 Week 2, ICFC TEKKEN NA SEASON 3, ChiTek Online PC #56, DreamHack Community Clash Fighting Games Season 3.5, and others.