Matches statistic
Matches played
26Win rate
86%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
26Win rate
86%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
26Win rate
86%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | Energie_Marduk | 2 :0 | TondoX | ||
BO3 | moy-kusanagi | 0 :2 | Energie_Marduk | ||
BO3 | Energie_Marduk | 2 :0 | Jinkaz Toshiro | ||
BO5 | Divine Exorcist4 | 0 :3 | Energie_Marduk | ||
BO5 | Divine Exorcist4 | 0 :3 | Energie_Marduk |
9:40 PMBO5 | Energie_Marduk | 3 :0 | Divine Exorcist4 | ||
8:25 PMBO5 | Geese_Joestar | 1 :3 | Energie_Marduk | ||
7:15 PMBO3 | TondoX | 0 :2 | Energie_Marduk |
10:00 PMBO5 | Energie_Marduk | 3 :0 | Heizama | ||
9:05 PMBO5 | Energie_Marduk | 3 :0 | TondoX |
Jorge "Energie_Marduk" Andrews is a Tekken player from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Some of their most notable results include winning EVO 2021 Online - Tekken 7 LATAM Central, Fighting Fest 2014-2020, Chousen 2018, First Attack 2019, First Attack 2020 Online, Winter Clash 2021, and 5th place at Defend the North 2019.