Matches statistic
Matches played
181Win rate
48%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
181Win rate
48%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
181Win rate
48%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | Hexmark | 2 :1 | |||
BO3 | Roo Kang | 0 :2 |
BO3 | Roo Kang | 2 :1 | |||
BO3 | Jodd | 2 :0 |
BO3 | Roo Kang | 2 :1 | |||
BO3 | Roo Kang | 0 :2 | |||
BO3 | K-Wiss | 0 :2 |
Mario "Roo Kang" Tufinio is a competitive Tekken player from London, United Kingdom who represents District G.
Roo Kang's journey into fighting games started with Street Fighter II on SNES when he would use to play with his dad. The casual fascination with fighting games continued for years until Roo Kang encounter a rival in OG Bubsy. Bubsy was a strong player who was beating Roo Kang and his friends at the game, motivating him to get more practice, take the game seriously, and compete.
Roo Kang is one of the best and most prominent Bob players in the world and one of the few to represent the character at the highest levels of play. He is also known as the master of hellsweeps, with even the best players in the world like Qudans and CherryBerryMango getting swept off their feet over and over.
Some of Roo Kang's achievements include: