

  • Sanghyeon Jeon
  • UYU
  • South Korea

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Sang-Hyun "JeonDDing" Jeon is a professional fighting games player from South Korea, currently playing for UYU.

Initially, JeonDDing wanted to become a pro Starcraft player. After playing for 3-4 years, his parents questioned if that was a good idea and he decided to quit, which led to him picking up Tekken as a hobby. He started off playing Tekken Tag Tournament but only started taking the game more seriously around the release of Tekken 6. However, he didn't get competitive until Tekken 7 and EVO 2017, where he made it to top 8 and shared 5-6th position with Anakin. JeonDDing is partially known for his character, alongside Spero Gin, he's one of the very few people to represent Eddie Gordo in competitive play, although with Tekken 7 he picked Lucky Chloe due to Eddie initially not being in the game, and most recently he started playing Julia to cover the gaps left open by Eddie's weaknesses.

Some of JeonDDing's best performances include winning SEA Major Singapore 2018, 2nd place at Clash of the Olympians 2019, and Combo Breaker 2018, 3rd place at Taiger Uppercut 2018 and VSFighting 2018. On top of that, he has numerous top 8 finishes in other tournaments. 

In 2018 JeonDDing also started playing Street Fighter competitively. While he didn't enter many tournaments for it, he competed for SFV in EVO 2018 and 2019, achieving decent results.

You can find him on Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and Twitch.