Matches statistic
Matches played
25Win rate
57%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
25Win rate
57%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
25Win rate
57%Current streak (Old → New)
BO3 | Dragonslayer | 0 :2 | |||
BO3 | Anakin | 2 :1 |
BO1 | Hoe (US) | :DQ | |||
BO3 | Hoe (US) | 2 :0 | |||
BO3 | Hoe (US) | 0 :2 | |||
BO3 | Hoe (US) | 1 :2 |
12:01 AMBO3 | Acumajor | 2 :1 |
Hoe is a competitve Tekken 7 player from California, USA who mains Claudio with Marduk as secondary.
He is a regular at events like WNF2020 Online Edition. Hoe has also competed and placed 33rd at Red Bull Conquest - LA Qualifiers & EVO 2021 ONLINE - North America, and 49th at WSEO Online II.
Hoe ranked 17th at Bud Light Beer League Tekken West 2 with 60% set wins after losing matches against Seattle_Colton in Winners Round 1 and Binchang in Losers Round 4.