Matches statistic
Matches played
8Win rate
61%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
8Win rate
61%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO3 | AngerOfBeast | 2 :1 | xCloudstar | ||
BO3 | BK-Uryuu | 0 :2 | AngerOfBeast | ||
BO3 | AngerOfBeast | 1 :2 | S4FE |
BO1 | Vvvvash | DQ : | AngerOfBeast | ||
BO3 | ElCidVargas | 0 :2 | AngerOfBeast | ||
BO3 | Hoe (US) | 0 :2 | AngerOfBeast | ||
BO3 | S.A.M. | 2 :1 | AngerOfBeast | ||
BO3 | AngerOfBeast | 0 :2 | Kaizur |
AngerOfBeast is a competitive Tekken 7 player from the United States. They took part in numerous local and online tournaments, such as Frag Fest Spring 2019 (5th place) and EQNX Online Dojo (9th).