Matches statistic
Matches played
23Win rate
58%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
23Win rate
58%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
11:10 PMBO5 | 0Stress | 3 :2 | Hermes_Venatori | ||
10:30 PMBO5 | Hermes_Venatori | 3 :1 | DR Ray | ||
9:10 PMBO5 | MenaRD | 3 :0 | Hermes_Venatori |
9:00 PMBO3 | Hermes_Venatori | 2 :0 | Freenix Wright |
BO1 | MetroM | DQ : | Hermes_Venatori | ||
BO3 | Alma1karma | 0 :2 | Hermes_Venatori | ||
BO5 | Zaferino | 3 :1 | Hermes_Venatori |
2:35 PMBO5 | Hermes_Venatori | 0 :3 | Sr. Aguilera (ElTigre) | ||
2:20 PMBO5 | Hermes_Venatori | 3 :0 | Mono | ||
2:05 PMBO5 | Kusanagi | 3 :0 | Hermes_Venatori |
Jose Constanzo, also known as "Hermes_Venatori," is a fighting game player and Clinical Psychologist from the Dominican Republic. He founded Savepoint and co-founded Paradise Con.
He has competed at tournaments such as Blink Fighting Fest 2020, ElBatiTorneo2, Game Over Online, Toxic Crow Street Fighter Tournament, and La Constitucion De La Liga 2020.
At Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 Central America 1, Hermes_Venatori placed 13th in SFV singles with a 67% set win rate after losing matches against Jazdero and MxGuss.
Check out his Twitter here.