

  • Medardo Lopez
  • Canada

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Birthday : Mar 14, 1996 (29)
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Matches statistic

Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)


Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.

Win rate


Venom's character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage

Opponents’ character usage stats

CharacterWin rateTotal usage

Venom's matchups


Matches played


Win rate


Current streak (Old → New)



Medardo Lopez "Venom" is a Canadian Super Smash Bros player from Montréal, Québec. He mains Ken and Ryu in Ultimate, and is hailed as one of the best Canadian Ryu players in SSB4 alongside Locus.

Venom played for Grizzlys Esports but joined Oceanus Gaming in December 2019. He has an overall set count of 83% and is known to have stolen sets off top contenders like Blacktwins13 and MKLeo.

Venom is a regular participant in events MCG: Elite Monthly and SmashLoft Ultimate Weekly. He often partners up with smasher Smokk to pplay ssbu doubles events.

Ven has also competed in ssbu singles and ranked 1st at LAN ETS 2020, 5th at Mango's Birthday Bash, 9th at DreamHack Montreal 2019 & Frostfire 2020, 17th at Defend The North 2019, 25th at Get On My Level 2019, 33rd at Shine 2019, and 97th at Let's Make Big Moves.

Take a peek at Venom's Twitch stream for here.