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  • Noriyuki Kirihara
  • Japan

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Noriyuki Kirihara mostly known as "Kirihara" is a Japanese Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Wii U player. Currently ranked 6th on the Japan Power Rankings and 48th on the Fall 2019 PGRU Rankings, he is regarded as one of the stellar Rosalina & Luma players in the world.

After Abadango won Pound in 2016, Kirihara also took 1st place at Frame Perfect Series 2 in 2017, making it the 2nd time a Japanese player won an American National tournament. He has also placed 1st at Maesuma TOP 1, 7th at EGS Cup 3, 9th at Umebura Japan Major 2019, and 13th at EVO Japan 2020.

Kirihara seems to be a fan of Mikoto Misaka from the light novel and anime series, A Certain Scientific Railgun using a cropped image for his Twitter icon.

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