Matches statistic
Matches played
20Win rate
57%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
20Win rate
57%Current streak (Old → New)
12:45 AMBO3 | Godot (US)/MRW | 1 :2 | BlazingPasta/CoJam | ||
12:30 AMBO3 | Suarez/Raptor | 2 :0 | Godot (US)/MRW | ||
12:05 AMBO1 | Godot (US)/MRW | 1 :0 | Maspandey/teakay |
10:45 PMBO3 | Enki | 2 :0 | Godot (US) | ||
10:25 PMBO3 | JLim | 0 :2 | Godot (US) | ||
10:05 PMBO3 | Joemama | 0 :2 | Godot (US) | ||
9:19 PMBO3 | Jeb | 1 :2 | Godot (US) | ||
9:18 PMBO3 | Godot (US) | 2 :0 | Zeguhl | ||
9:09 PMBO3 | TLOrEo | 2 :1 | Godot (US) | ||
9:07 PMBO3 | Godot (US) | 2 :0 | MAK |
Godot is a Smash Ultimate and former Wii U competitor from Denver, US. He's actively appearing at fighting game events since 2017 and notably took part in EVO in 2017 and 2018 as a Wii U competitor, then EVO 2019 and Glitch 8 as an Ultimate player, and also in lots of various local and online tournaments.