Matches statistic
Matches played
36Win rate
55%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
36Win rate
55%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Matches played
36Win rate
55%Current streak (Old → New)
7:30 PMBO5 | DARK-RAS | 3 :2 | |||
7:15 PMBO5 | DidimoKOF | 3 :0 |
9:05 PMBO5 | DidimoKOF | 1 :3 |
10:15 PMBO3 | DidimoKOF | 2 :1 | |||
8:10 PMBO3 | Jah_lexe | 2 :0 |
BO3 | Pupillo | 2 :1 |
8:45 PMBO3 | Jah_lexe | 2 :0 | |||
7:45 PMBO3 | DidimoKOF | 2 :0 |
Renato “DidimoKOF” Pereira is a fighting games player from Brazil who represents Venon. He has a long tournament history as he started his career with The King of Fighters. He also plays Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Mortal Kombat, Samurai Shodown, and Street Fighter V.
DidimoKOF won 1st place in SFV singles at Ultimate Crush Counter 2019. He also ranked 4th in the SFV event at Frosty Faustings XII 2020 and 1st in SamSho for which he also ranked 7th in EVO 2019. He also placed 3rd at EVO 2021 Online - SFV LATAM South.
His other tourney appearances include CPT LATAM Regional Finals @ Versus Fighting Cup 2017, East Coast Throwdown 2019, GEICO Gaming Championships Finals 2018, Lima Salty 4, NorCal Regionals 2019, and TRETA Championship 2016 among others.
Follow DidimoKOF on Twitter and Twitch!