Matches statistic
Matches played
18Win rate
47%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
18Win rate
47%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO5 | NamikazeExTM | 3 :0 | DARK-RAS | ||
BO5 | DARK-RAS | 1 :3 | Brayan_Job |
BO5 | DARK-RAS | 0 :3 | DidimoKOF | ||
BO5 | theforce90 | 1 :3 | DARK-RAS | ||
BO5 | Brayan_Job | 2 :3 | DARK-RAS | ||
BO5 | DARK-RAS | 3 :2 | GHOST | ||
BO5 | NamikazeExTM | 3 :1 | DARK-RAS |
Diego Lins, otherwise known as "DARK," is a Street Fighter player from Brazil. He plays characters such as Birdie, G, Urien, and Alex in SFV.
DARK has competed in tourneys including Battle Coliseum 2019, Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 South America 1 & 2, Farofeans League - Final, Fight in Rio 2019: For The Future, Furia Tica 2019, Lima Salty, Never Give Up 2019, Tiger Upper Circuit Finals 2019, TRETA Championship 2019, and Ultimate Crush Counter 2019. He also won 2nd place at EVO 2021 Online - SFV LATAM South.
Follow DARK on Twitter and Twitch!