Matches statistic
Matches played
67Win rate
54%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
67Win rate
54%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
Most played vs:
Best vs:
Worst vs:
Matches played
67Win rate
54%Current streak (Old → New)
BO5 | VideoGamezYo | 3 :0 | |||
BO5 | AWP | 3 :0 | |||
BO5 | AWP | 0 :3 | |||
BO5 | AWP | 3 :1 |
7:45 PMBO5 | MKJavierMK | 3 :1 | |||
6:00 PMBO5 | Conflictus | 0 :3 | |||
6:00 PMBO5 | Asodimazze | 3 :0 |
Andrew William Paterson, otherwise known as "AWP," is a professional fighting game player and Computer Science/Mechanical Engineering student from Scotland. He co-leads Team Exalted.
AWP's main game is Mortal Kombat 11 and he plays characters such as Sonya, Cassie Cage, and Kano. He also plays Injustice 2 and Street Fighter V. He is a regular participant in PC League Fight Nights and has organized tournaments including Nugi's Birthday Tournament and Spam and Mash.
He has also competed at tournaments such as Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 Europe West 2, Celtic Throwdown 2019, Fury Cup, Injustice 2 Pro Series Online Cup - Europe, Interkontinental Kombat EU West, Lockdown Throwdown, PiFighter Ultimate - MK11, Ultimate Fighting Arena 2019, and VSFighting 2019.
Check out AWP's Twitch channel!