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Tasty Smash Stuff in Lunchbox+

3 min

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Tasty Smash Stuff in Lunchbox+
It’s a monthly tourney powered by Team Liquid, and it’s your chance to fight against famous players (or at least enjoy watching many splashy matches)

It’s not surprising to see some hype around these SSBU Lunches - imagine having only Juice each week and then get a chance to put your hands on those mysterious Lunchboxes once per month (do they have cookies in there?) On April 28, the NA Smash Ultimate player can join the party of another Lunchbox tournament.

Visit the official smash.gg page to learn the details and register for the event. Many very strong players participate in both Juice and Lunch Boxes - what about defeating them all? Matches against skilled opponents are a great way to improve your playing skills.

To watch the SSBU esports event Lunchbox+, visit the Twitch channel of Hungrybox on Wednesday, 6 PM EDT (Top 8 - at 9:30 PM).

***Update*** The tourney is over, but you can enjoy the matches on the VOD.

Lunchbox + | Full Stream

Two players had remarkable runs - Sparg0 and Maister

It seems like Sparg0 was filled with power. They even played a non-main character, Pyra/Mythra, taking Cloud only once, and still winning all the matches.

Maister had one bitter loss during the Top 64 part and fell into the Losers Bracket. That did not ruin the spirit, and his Mr. Game & Watch reached the Grand Final.

That match started quite promising for Maister, but Sparg0 managed to win the first game, being two rounds lower. Only in the last game, hope arose for Maister again, but still, Sparg0 was just on fire and won 3:0. Congratulations!

Smash Ultimate Esports - Lunchbox+, Top 8 players

  • 1. Sparg0 - Pyra/Mythra / Cloud
  • 2. Maister (Spacestation Gaming) - Mr. Game & Watch
  • 3. Scend (known also as BestNess) - Ness
  • 4. Yez (US Army Esports, PvE) - Ike
  • 5. Ned - Sephiroth
  • 5. SKITTLES!! - Young Link
  • 7. Chag (Smash Factor) - Palutena
  • 7. 9superpie - Wii Fit Trainer

This Lunchbox and the previous Juicebox are unusual - the organizers have broken the numeral sequence and added + to the title. They promote a new service from Team Liquid, and for the community, this means bigger prize pools this time.

The Box: Juicebox+ happened on April 21. Please, enjoy the stream.

We congratulate Sparg0 on winning this event with Cloud!

What about the previous Lunch Box? Here is the stream of episode 10:

Maister is the winner of the Box Lunch Box #10 with Mr. Game & Watch.

We at DashFight regularly highlight various online SSBU events - these tourneys are the power of the community now. Would you like to check our post on The Box: Lunch Box #9? Have you watched the fights of Get Clipped #11?

To not miss other interesting Smash events (and fighting games news in general), follow DashFight on Facebook and Twitter.

This material was created with the support of our Patrons. You can support us!

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