Sephiroth will be available on December 23rd but you could play it now

Sebastian Quintanilla
2 min

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Sephiroth will be available on December 23rd but you could play it now
Images courtesy of Nintendo
Also, Masahiro is back in the studio to record these amazing showcases!

Super Smash Bros Ultimate fans were once again treated to a fantastic presentation by the one and only Masahiro Sakurai. As announced earlier this week, he was back on everyone's home screen to explain the latest character details to join the franchise—Sephiroth, from the excellent JRPG series Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy VII, to be more precise. Before the character presentation, it was also announced a new slew of Mii fighters costumes. Including Barret (Gunner), Tifa (Brawler), Aerith (Swordfighter), and... painfully for some Geno (Gunner).


The main concept that Sakurai wanted to get across in the presentation is that Sephiroth will be a perilous character at a range of distances and percentages. Many of his moves afford him to stay a good distance away from his opponents while dealing a good amount of damage. At the same time, his off-staging looks to be lacking somewhat, as his primary recovery move is also one of his better closers.


It was also good to see the series director back in a studio with a production team to record these presentations, instead of his own home. He looked much happier overall and made his fair share of jokes and references. Including almost talking about frame data for two of Sephiroth's moves, but he did let it slip that his forward air is 13 frames and his back air is 15. He quickly joked about him being the guy who thought he wanted to make a fun party game.


During the presentation, another announcement was that of the \"Sephiroth challenge,\" a special challenge starting now until the 23rd. Players can attempt to beat Sephiroth in one of three difficulty settings normal, hard, and very hard. Beating him in any difficulty will unlock the character early for owners of the Fighters pack Vol. 2. DLC.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Mr. Sakurai Presents "Sephiroth"

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